Student Author Profiles
Seena Bahhur
Seena’s preferred pronouns are she/her/hers, and she is a first-year here at Carolina. She is a biology major on the pre-med track, with hopes of going to medical school. She is also a competitive figure skater and some of her other interests include reading, hanging out with friends and learning. To see Seena’s work in this course, click here.
David Dingfelder
Originally from Chapel Hill, NC, David is a first-year undergraduate student studying Biochemistry and Spanish for the medical professions. He also serves as a research technician for the Armistead and Vincent Labs in the UNC Lineberger Center. In his free time, he enjoys playing sports, reading, and spending time with friends. David hopes to attend an MD/Ph.D. program and eventually specialize in the field of oncology. To see David’s work in this course, click here.
Jesus Enriquez
From a small town named Forest City, Jesus is a first year student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. His major is Health Policy and Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship. During his free time he enjoys hanging out with his close friends, working out and watching Netflix. To see Jesus’s work in this course, click here.
Mitchell Greene
Mitchell Greene was born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina. He attended Page High School where he played football for four years. He is a media and journalism major and plans to study either sports journalism or marketing. To see Mitchell’s work in this course, click here.
Lynelle Huskey
Lynelle Huskey is a first year student at Chapel Hill majoring in public policy. After graduating from UNC she hopes to attend law school, where she will study international law. In her free time she enjoys playing field hockey and traveling with friends. To see Lynelle’s work in this course, click here.
Abby Jethro
Originally from Wilmington, NC, Abby Jethro is a first-year student at UNC Chapel-Hill currently studying Media and Journalism and Computer Science. In her free time, Abby enjoys reading, writing, and baking. She is a member of the Global Scholars learning program and holds the Vice President position in the Carolina Forum for Education and Diplomacy. To see Abby’s work in this course, click here.
MolliePierce Kilpatrick
MolliePierce Kilpatrick is a first year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is involved in the campus ministry Intervarsity and the club tennis team. MolliePierce is currently studying psychology and plans to apply for nursing school in hopes of becoming a nurse anesthetist. To see MolliePierce’s work in this course, click here.
Sarah Laible
David Lewis
Originally from Dunn, NC, David is a first year student. David enjoys football more than the average person. He hopes to eventually work in a NFL front office. To see David’s work in this course, click here.
Hern Lim
From Raleigh, NC, Hern is a first year at UNC-CH, interested in statistics and healthcare policy & management. Outside of classes, he runs with the club marathon team, plans events for Korean American Student Association, and enjoys finding new eateries around the Chapel Hill-Durham area with friends. He hopes to pursue a field in public health research. To see Hern’s work in this course, click here.
Leo McNicholas
Leo McNicholas is a first-year student from Anchorage, Alaska studying political science with a perspective minor in Spanish. During his free time, Leo can be found tending to his dehydrated succulents, reading books on political science, drinking copious amounts of turmeric ginger tea, or listening to a podcast. To see Leo’s work in this course, click here.
Grace Newhall
Grace is originally from St. Louis, Missouri and is a first-year student at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. She is majoring in Psychology and Anthropology. In her free time, Grace enjoys watching Forensic Files and experimenting with vegan cooking. To see Grace’s work in this course, click here.
Andrew Sadler
Originally from Thomasville, NC, Andrew Sadler is a first year student at UNC-CH, hoping to study in the field of Information Science. He enjoys playing the trumpet, studying mycology, and hiking. To see Andrew’s work in this course, click here.
Elizabeth Smithy
Elizabeth is a first-year student at Carolina from Mooresville, NC. She plans to study neuroscience and attend medical school in the future. Elizabeth is on the UNC Cheerleading team and she loves being a part of the school spirit. An interesting fact is that she has an identical twin sister who goes to the University of Florida. She looks forward to this semester in English! To see Elizabeth’s work in this course, click here.
Ashlyn Tharington
Ashlyn is a first-year student majoring in neuroscience and minoring in history. She was born and raised in Winston-Salem, NC, and her favorite pastimes include playing field hockey, watching movies, and spending time with her three cats. She plans on becoming a psychiatrist specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry. To see Ashlyn’s work in this course, click here.
Peyton Whitaker
Coming from a military family, Peyton has lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, Washington D.C., and Clayton, North Carolina. She is currently a first-year student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with an interest in biology and environmental science. In her free time, she enjoys playing rugby on the university club team, organizing events for the Gardening and Ethnobotany in Academia program, and spending time with friends and family. She hopes to one day go to veterinary school and become a D.V.M. To see Peyton’s work in this course, click here.
Juliet Xu
Coming from China, Juliet is a first-year international student studying statistics. In her free time, she loves reading and swimming. To see Juliet’s work in this course, click here.
Eric Zheng
Eric Zheng is a student at UNC studying computer science. He currently works as a programmer in the Cassidy Plasticity Lab in the UNC School of Medicine. In his spare time, he enjoys watching movies or cooking. To see Eric’s work in this course, click here.